Care Policy


Centre of Inclusive Care is committed to the safeguarding of its clients and therapists. We have numerous measures in place to ensure that clients and therapists alike experience safety and security within the boundaries of the therapeutic process.

All our therapists have undergone extensive background checks.

Upon hiring, our therapists are required to submit a police verification certificate / character certificate, proof of their educational qualifications, proof of membership in any psychological organization (e.g. BACP, APA, PPA etc.) – if any, and the name and contact details of their supervisor.

All our therapists are under supervision.

Supervision: “A specialized form of mentoring provided for practitioners responsible for undertaking challenging work with people. Supervision is provided to ensure standards, enhance quality, advance learning, stimulate creativity, and support the sustainability and resilience of the work being undertaken.” – BACP Ethical Framework

Our therapists are required to undergo either weekly, fortnightly, or monthly supervision depending on their client load.

The safety of the clients, therapists, and organization is monitored by the CIC Ethical Upholding Committee.

The CIC Ethical Upholding Committee is responsible to ensure any misconduct or unethical practice is checked and immediately rectified to safeguard the rights of the clients, therapists, and the organization. Breach of any ethical boundary or policy would require the therapist to be answerable to CIC Ethical Upholding Committee.

The CIC Ethical Upholding Committee consists of external Psychiatrists, Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Counsellors, Coaches, Special Educators, SLTs, OTs and Lawyers.

Our Policies

Our therapists adhere to the following policies & procedures when conducting their practice: